Source code for laf.parse

from xml.sax import parse as saxparse, SAXException
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
import array
from .names import Names, FabricError

aspace_not_given = "_original_"

[docs]def init(): global good_regions,good_edges, good_annots, good_feats global faulty_regions, faulty_edges, faulty_annots, faulty_feats global identifiers_r, identifiers_n, identifiers_e, id_region, id_node, id_edge, id_annot global region_begin, region_end, node_region_list, edges_from, edges_to, feature, efeature, linked_nodes, unlinked_nodes global primary_data_file, annotation_files good_regions = 0 good_edges = 0 good_annots = 0 good_feats = 0 faulty_regions = 0 faulty_edges = 0 faulty_annots = 0 faulty_feats = 0 identifiers_r = {} identifiers_n = {} identifiers_e = {} id_region = 0 id_node = 0 id_edge = 0 id_annot = 0 unlinked_nodes = 0 linked_nodes = 0 region_begin = array.array('I') region_end = array.array('I') node_region_list = [] edges_from = array.array('I') edges_to = array.array('I') feature = {} efeature = {} primary_data_file = None annotation_files = []
[docs]class HeaderHandler(ContentHandler): def __init__(self): self._tag_stack = []
[docs] def startElement(self, name, attrs): global primary_data_file self._tag_stack.append(name) if name == "annotation": annotation_files.append(attrs["loc"]) elif name == "primaryData": primary_data_file = attrs["loc"]
[docs] def endElement(self, name): self._tag_stack.pop()
[docs] def characters(self, ch): name = self._tag_stack[-1]
[docs]class AnnotationHandler(ContentHandler): file_name = None nid = None aid = None stamp = None truth = { 'yes': True, '1': True, 'on': True, 'true': True, 'no': False, '0': False, 'off': False, 'false': False, } def __init__(self, annotation_file, stamp): self.file_name = annotation_file self._tag_stack = [] self.stamp = stamp self.aempty = None self.aspace_default = aspace_not_given self.aspace = None self.alabel = None self.atype = None self.aref = None self.node_link = None
[docs] def startElement(self, name, attrs): global faulty_regions, good_regions, id_region, id_node, faulty_edges, good_edges, id_edge, faulty_annots, good_annots, id_annot, faulty_feats, good_feats self._tag_stack.append(name) if name == "annotationSpace": if "" in attrs: self.aspace = attrs[""] if "default" in attrs: is_default = attrs["default"].casefold() if is_default in self.truth and self.truth[is_default]: self.aspace_default = self.aspace if self.aspace == None: self.aspace = self.aspace_default elif name == "region": rid = attrs["xml:id"] identifiers_r[rid] = id_region id_region += 1 anchors = attrs["anchors"].split(" ") if len(anchors) != 2: faulty_regions += 1 raise FabricError("invalid anchor spec '{}' for region {} in {}".format(attrs["anchors"], rid, self.file_name), self.stamp) region_begin.append(0) region_end.append(0) else: good_regions += 1 region_begin.append(int(anchors[0])) region_end.append(int(anchors[1])) elif name == "node": nid = attrs["xml:id"] identifiers_n[nid] = id_node id_node += 1 self.node_link = None self.nid = nid elif name == "link": self.node_link = attrs["targets"].split(" ") elif name == "edge": eid = attrs["xml:id"] identifiers_e[eid] = id_edge id_edge += 1 from_node = attrs["from"] to_node = attrs["to"] if not from_node or not to_node: faulty_edges += 1 raise FabricError("invalid from/to spec from='{}' to='{}' for edge {} in {}".format(from_node, to_node, eid, self.file_name), self.stamp) else: good_edges += 1 edges_from.append(identifiers_n[from_node]) edges_to.append(identifiers_n[to_node]) elif name == "a": aid = attrs["xml:id"] id_annot += 1 self.aid = aid self.aempty = True if "as" in attrs: self.aspace = attrs["as"] else: self.aspace = self.aspace_default self.alabel = attrs["label"] node_or_edge = attrs["ref"] if not self.alabel or not node_or_edge: faulty_annots += 1 raise FabricError("invalid annotation spec label='{}' ref='{}' for annotation {} in {}".format(self.alabel, node_or_edge, self.aid, self.file_name), self.stamp) else: self.aref = None self.atype = None if node_or_edge in identifiers_n: self.aref = identifiers_n[node_or_edge] self.atype = 'n' good_annots += 1 elif node_or_edge in identifiers_e: self.aref = identifiers_e[node_or_edge] self.atype = 'e' good_annots += 1 else: faulty_annots += 1 raise FabricError("invalid annotation target ref='{}' (no node, no edge) for annotation {} in {}".format(node_or_edge, self.aid, self.file_name), self.stamp) elif name == "f": self.aempty = False fname = attrs["name"] if not fname: faulty_feats += 1 raise FabricError("invalid feature spec name='{}' value='{}' for feature in annotation {} in file {}".format(fname, value, self.aid, self.file_name), self.stamp) elif self.aref == None: faulty_feats += 1 raise FabricError("undetermined feature kind (node/edge) for feature {} in annotation {} in {}".format(fname, self.aid, self.file_name), self.stamp) else: good_feats += 1 value = attrs["value"] dest = feature if self.atype == 'n' else efeature dest.setdefault((self.aspace, self.alabel, fname), {})[self.aref] = value
[docs] def endElement(self, name): global unlinked_nodes, linked_nodes if name == "node": if not self.node_link: unlinked_nodes += 1 node_region_list.append(array.array('I', [])) else: linked_nodes += 1 node_region_list.append(array.array('I',[identifiers_r[r] for r in self.node_link])) elif name == "a": if self.aempty: fname = '' value = '' dest = feature if self.atype == 'n' else efeature dest.setdefault((self.aspace, self.alabel, fname), {})[self.aref] = value self._tag_stack.pop()
[docs] def characters(self, ch): pass
[docs]def parse(origin, graf_header_file, stamp, data_items): '''Parse a LAF/GrAF resource and deliver results.''' global identifiers_n, identifiers_e init() saxparse(graf_header_file, HeaderHandler()) osep = ':' if origin[0] == 'a' else '' if origin == 'm': with open(primary_data_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: primary_data = Names.deliver(primary_data, (origin + osep + 'P00', ('primary_data',)), data_items) for kind in ('n', 'e'): xi_key = Names.comp('mX' + kind + 'f', ()) xmlitems = data_items[xi_key] if xi_key in data_items else {} if kind == 'n': identifiers_n = xmlitems else: identifiers_e = xmlitems for annotation_file in annotation_files: stamp.Imsg("parsing {}".format(annotation_file)) saxparse(annotation_file, AnnotationHandler(annotation_file, stamp)) mg = '''END PARSING {:>10} good regions and {:>5} faulty ones {:>10} linked nodes and {:>5} unlinked ones {:>10} good edges and {:>5} faulty ones {:>10} good annots and {:>5} faulty ones {:>10} good features and {:>5} faulty ones {:>10} distinct xml identifiers '''.format( good_regions, faulty_regions, linked_nodes, unlinked_nodes, good_edges, faulty_edges, good_annots, faulty_annots, good_feats, faulty_feats, id_region + id_node + id_edge + id_annot, ) stamp.Imsg(mg) if origin == 'm': Names.deliver(identifiers_n, (origin + osep + 'Xnf', ()), data_items) Names.deliver(identifiers_e, (origin + osep + 'Xef', ()), data_items) Names.deliver(edges_from, (origin + osep + 'G00', ('edges_from',)), data_items) Names.deliver(edges_to, (origin + osep + 'G00', ('edges_to',)), data_items) Names.deliver(region_begin, (origin + osep + 'T00', ('region_begin',)), data_items) Names.deliver(region_end, (origin + osep + 'T00', ('region_end',)), data_items) Names.deliver(node_region_list, (origin + osep + 'T00', ('node_region_list',)), data_items) for f in feature: Names.deliver(feature[f], (origin + osep + 'Fn0', f), data_items) for f in efeature: Names.deliver(efeature[f], (origin + osep + 'Fe0', f), data_items)