Source code for etcbc.annotating

import sys
import collections

[docs]def nonerep(val): return '' if val == None else val
[docs]class GenForm(object): '''Generates input forms for new annotations and creates new annotations based on filled in forms. ''' def __init__(self, API, form_name, config): '''Upon creation, takes in the config information for a new form. Args: API(object): the API object of the LAF processor, so that the form creator can use its methods for creating files and issuing messages and accessing features. form_name(string): the base name of the form to be created config(dict): which nodes and feature data to fill the form with, which new feature columns to make. ''' self.API = API = form_name self.config = config self.target_types = config['target_types'] self.type_col = {} self.n_types = len(self.target_types) for (n, tt) in enumerate(self.target_types): self.type_col[tt] = n new_features_spec = config['new_features'] self.new_fqnames = [] new_fnames = [] self.new_features = [] for aspace in sorted(new_features_spec.keys()): for kind in sorted(new_features_spec[aspace].keys()): for line in new_features_spec[aspace][kind]: (alabel, fnames) = line.split('.') for fname in fnames.split(','): fqname = "{}:{}.{}".format(aspace, alabel, fname) self.new_fqnames.append(fqname) self.new_features.append((aspace, alabel, fname)) new_fnames.append(fname) self.n_new_features = len(self.new_fqnames) show_features_spec = config['show_features'] show_fqnames = [] self.show_fnames = [] self.show_features = [] for aspace in sorted(show_features_spec.keys()): for kind in sorted(show_features_spec[aspace].keys()): for line in show_features_spec[aspace][kind]: (alabel, fnames) = line.split('.') for fname in fnames.split(','): fqname = "{}:{}.{}".format(aspace, alabel, fname) show_fqnames.append(fqname) self.show_features.append((aspace, alabel, fname)) self.show_fnames.append(fname.replace('_',' ')) self.n_show_features = len(show_fqnames)
[docs] def make_form(self): '''Creates a form based on the information passed when creating this object. ''' msg = self.API['msg'] outfile = self.API['outfile'] F = self.API['F'] NN = self.API['NN'] X = self.API['X'] P = self.API['P'] msg("Reading the data ...") outf = outfile("form_{}.csv".format( the_book = None the_chapter = None the_verse = None in_book = False in_chapter = False do_chapters = {} outf.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format( 'passage', "\t".join(self.target_types), "\t".join(self.show_fnames), "\t".join(self.new_fqnames), )) for i in NN(): this_type = F.db_otype.v(i) if this_type in self.target_types: if in_chapter: the_xml_id = X.r(i) the_text = " ".join([text for (n, text) in]) the_show_features = "\t".join([nonerep(F.item["{}_{}_{}".format(*sf)].v(i)) for sf in self.show_features]) outf.write("{}\t{}{}{}{}{}\n".format( the_xml_id, "\t" * self.type_col[this_type], the_text, "\t" * (self.n_types - self.type_col[this_type]), the_show_features, "\t" * self.n_new_features, )) elif this_type == "book": the_book = F.sft_book.v(i) in_book = the_book in self.config['passages'] if in_book: sys.stderr.write(the_book) do_chapters = {} chapter_ranges = self.config['passages'][the_book].split(',') for chapter_range in chapter_ranges: boundaries = chapter_range.split('-') (b, e) = (None, None) if len(boundaries) == 1: b = int(chapter_range) e = int(chapter_range) + 1 else: b = int(boundaries[0]) e = int(boundaries[1]) + 1 for chapter in range(b, e): do_chapters[str(chapter)] = None else: sys.stderr.write("*") elif this_type == "chapter": if in_book: the_chapter = F.sft_chapter.v(i) if the_chapter in do_chapters: sys.stderr.write("{},".format(the_chapter)) in_chapter = True else: in_chapter = False else: in_chapter = False elif this_type == "verse": if in_chapter: the_verse = F.sft_verse.v(i) outf.write("#{} {}:{}\t{}\t{}\n".format( the_book, the_chapter, the_verse, "\t" * self.n_types, "\t" * self.n_new_features, )) outf.close() msg("Done")
[docs] def make_annots(self): '''Converts a filled in form into a set of new annotations. ''' infile = self.API['infile'] outfile = self.API['outfile'] inp = infile("data_{}.csv".format( outa = outfile("annot_{}.xml".format( outa.write('''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <graph xmlns="" xmlns:graf=""> <graphHeader> <labelsDecl/> <dependencies/> <annotationSpaces/> </graphHeader> ''') aid = 0 header = True features = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: {}))) for line in inp: if header: header = False continue if line.startswith('#'): continue fields = line.rstrip().split("\t") xml_id = fields[0] values = fields[self.n_types + self.n_show_features + 1:self.n_types + self.n_show_features + 1 + self.n_new_features] for (n, value) in enumerate(values): if value == "": continue (aspace, alabel, fname) = self.new_features[n] features[aspace][alabel][xml_id][fname] = value for aspace in features: for alabel in features[aspace]: for xml_id in features[aspace][alabel]: aid += 1 outa.write('<a xml:id="a{}" as="{}" label="{}" ref="{}"><fs>\n'.format(aid, aspace, alabel, xml_id)) for fname in features[aspace][alabel][xml_id]: value = features[aspace][alabel][xml_id][fname] outa.write('\t<f name="{}" value="{}"/>\n'.format(fname, value)) outa.write('</fs></a>\n') outa.write("</graph>\n") inp.close() outa.close()
[docs]def create_annots(API, data): '''Converts a list of node, value,feature entries to a string which can be saved as an annotation file. The columns must be: nodeid, value, feature name, feature_label (optional), namespace (optional) ''' result = [] result.append('''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <graph xmlns="" xmlns:graf=""> <graphHeader> <labelsDecl/> <dependencies/> <annotationSpaces/> </graphHeader>''') aid = 0 features = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: {}))) for line in data: node = line[0] value = line[1] feat = line[2] if len(line) > 3: feat = "{}.{}".format(line[3], feat) if len(line) > 4: feat = "{}:{}".format(line[4], feat) (aspace, alabel, fname) = API['fabric'].resolve_feature('node', feat) xml_id = API['X'].r(node) features[aspace][alabel][xml_id][fname] = value for aspace in features: for alabel in features[aspace]: for xml_id in features[aspace][alabel]: aid += 1 result.append('<a xml:id="a{}" as="{}" label="{}" ref="{}"><fs>'.format(aid, aspace, alabel, xml_id)) for fname in features[aspace][alabel][xml_id]: value = features[aspace][alabel][xml_id][fname] result.append('\t<f name="{}" value="{}"/>'.format(fname, value)) result.append('</fs></a>') result.append("</graph>") return '\n'.join(result)